
Showing posts from April, 2021

How to fix TeamViewer: Not ready. Please check your connection

If you run TeamViewer you will see the following output Init... CheckCPU: SSE2 support: yes Checking setup... Launching TeamViewer ... Starting network process (no daemon) Network process already started (or error) Launching TeamViewer GUI ... If you have an eternal loading, you will see the following window: To solve it, and could to connect to a remote computer you must run teamviewer as daemon as follows: sudo teamviewer --daemon enable Action: Installing daemon (15.5.3) for 'systemd' ... installing /etc/systemd/system/teamviewerd.service (/opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/script/teamviewerd.service) Try: systemctl enable teamviewerd.service systemctl start teamviewerd.service Now, execute again teamviewer as follows: teamviewer                     Init... CheckCPU: SSE2 support: yes Checking setup... Launching TeamViewer ... Launching TeamViewer GUI ... Enjoy it!

Microsoft Teams meeting link on linux doesn't work

If you must use Teams in linux, probably you will have this issue. After click the meeting link, Teams opens, but not the meeting. To solve it, you need fix the sentence to execute Teams.  Edit the /usr/bin/teams file and replace: nohup "$TEAMS_PATH" --disable-namespace-sandbox --disable-setuid-sandbox "$@" > "$TEAMS_LOGS/teams-startup.log" 2>&1 & by nohup "$TEAMS_PATH" "$@" --disable-namespace-sandbox --disable-setuid-sandbox > "$TEAMS_LOGS/teams-startup.log" 2>&1 & As you can see, the difference is only the position of "$@" Enjoy it!