How to install snort3 from github
First, you must clone the repository: git clone cd snort3 Now, install snort2 dependencies and some dependencies that snort2 does not use: sudo apt build-dep snort sudo apt install libhwloc-dev libluajit-5.1-dev libunwind-dev Now, procced to compile the project: ./ cd build make Probably you will see the following issue: daq_dlt.h: No such file or directory This happend, because you need a newer labdaq version (the version installed as dependence from snort is older). git clone cd libdaq ./bootstrap ./configure make sudo make install Now, come back to snort3 folder and try to compile it again. Probably you will see this issue: undefined reference to daq_version_string' This appears because two versions of daq are installed (repository and github version). To solve it, like is reported here just remove the older version: apt remove libdaq-dev Now execute the following: /usr/local...