How to run microPython in ESP-WROOM-32 module
If you have an ESP-WROOM-32 module, you can use Zerynth Studio to upload your microPython code. You can download it from See the following video to do it Probably you could have the following issue after click the uplink icon: [error] Can't open serial: /dev/ttyUSB0 To fix this error it is enough to change the permissions of access to the terminal: sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0 Another issue is when you try to upload the code and you get the following error: [error] No answer to probe To fix it, you must virtualize your device. After to do that, you could upload your code and get the following output: info] Probe sent [info] Got header: r2.1.2 SxTxJKbAQFaaRCayjua5sw esp32_devkitc 42504c29f107 ZERYNTH [info] Found VM SxTxJKbAQFaaRCayjua5sw for esp32_devkitc [info] Handshake [info] symbols: 3 [info] membase @3FFC24A4 [info] romstart @40150...