Hello World for Contiki on IRIS-XM2110 Mote
For this model, we need a contiki version that supports it. In github, exists a project for contiki-iris that supports this target. git clone https://github.com/bulajicm/contiki-iris-examples.git cd contiki-iris-examples/examples/hello-world make targets (if you see iris, we are ok) make TARGET=iris savetarget make hello-world make: avr-gcc: Command not found You need to install avr-gcc: sudo apt-get install gcc-avr Other common error is: avr/io.h: No such file or directory You can use apt-file search avr/io.h to search which library you need to install. sudo apt-get install avr-libc Now, we have a .iris file. You need flash your mote with this file. Every where saids that with make hello-world.upload it works, but it doesn't, because Makefile doesn't include an upload option. We can do the same with avrdude. You only need follow this commands: sudo apt-get install avrdude avr-objcopy --output-target=srec hello-world.iris main.srec cp main.srec main.s...